Book driving range simple, easy, and fast from your phone

Book driving on your favorite golf courses from your phone. Payment, confirmation, and history - all in one app.

Get the Swing app
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How it works

A sneak peek on how easy, fast, and simple it is to book using Swing.

Some of the featured driving ranges

Some of featured driving range available for you to book on Swing. See if one of your favorite ones are here.

Why use Swing?

Instant booking confirmation

Instant booking confirmation

Book instantly, make payments, and have it all confirmed instantly. No more going back and forth with emails, messages, or phone calls.

Multiple courses options

Multiple courses options

Have the freedom to book at any courses of your choice. Each courses having their own reviews and content for you to learn more.

Playing history

Playing history

Every booking and its invoice are recorded and easily accessible for you to look back again.

Imagine if you can book golf courses like you would do for flights and hotels